Simply stating they are evolving their products with the time and you can say a step ahead of the time. Security transformed- They provide leverage security solution purpose that is built with a transformational mind.Security Awareness- They use security analytics, cloud security, SIEM, and machine instructing to protection, detection, and correction to happen at the same time from device to cloud.Threat intelligence work- McAfee has built a large and widespread global threat intelligence network through which, they constantly analyze and collect data on threats from over 500 million endpoints across the globe.
In May 1989, Symantec launched Symantec antivirus for the Macintosh now, this antivirus runs on Microsoft window, Linux, and macOS. It has been around for 28 years and making it one of the notable names in the industry. Norton Antivirus has been developed and distributed by Norton life lock since 1991.